Anice Awakens, Part 3

Read Part 1 Here

Part 2 Anice Awakens, Part 2

Anice looked at Austin, who was waiting with anticipation to hear what he probably expcected to be a confession of a shared crush.  It was crushing alright.   She wondered how to go about saying what she needed to say.

“I know there is this thing between us…”

“I’m so glad you feel it too!  I…”

“Austin I really need to say this or I’m going to lose it!” Anice snapped, surprising both of them.  A long silence fell between them.  He was staring intently at her as she looked for the words on the floor.

“Austin, I’m…I’m married.”  She felt a tear forming in her eye as she forced herself to look at him.  His brow was furrowed and he looked simultaneously shocked and puzzled.

“Why did you come here tonight?  I don’t understand this!  What are you trying to do to me Anice?” He asked in frustration, with tears pooling in his eyes.

“I could tell you were falling for me and I had to tell you.  You understand why I couldn’t just blurt it out at work.  I mean, I love my husband, but I seriously considered you for a bit.  I know its hard for you but trust me, it is torture for me.”

“Torture?  You have someone to go home to at night while I be awake all night thinking about you laying there with someone else!  I really don’t understand how this is happening.  I can’t be here with you right now.  I need some space.”  He walked out and Anice let him go before exiting herself.  Tears ran down her face as she found the most inconspicuous place to slip through the crowd and find her car.  Once inside her hot car, she let out all the pent up emotion she’d been carrying since she’d met him.  Thoughts streamed through her head almost quicker than she could analyze them. Why didn’t I say something sooner?   Well, I wasn’t sure if he really liked me or if he was just being friendly until he asked me out.  That’s fair, right?  Oh Anice!  You’ve really messed things up this time!  All this drama for a little bit of attention.  She looked in the mirror, thankful that makeup wasn’t in her nature, the tears would be easier to hide from her family when she got home, but she’d have to find a way to disguise her horrible mood. The last thing she needed was questions.  All her family knew was she was out at a work function.

She drove by rote, worn out by all the emotions and thinking, and when she arrived home she let out a giant sigh and tried to act normal.  Inside was business as usual, the kitchen was dark for the night, her sons were in their room quietly attending to their devices, her husband in the bedroom reading.

“Hi!” she said to her husband as she passed through to the closet.

“Hi, how was it?” he asked.

“Meh!  Boring work stuff, you know how it goes!”  She thought she sounded convincing.  “How was your night?” She was master at changing the subject.

“Just getting some reading done, nothing too exciting.”  She bent down to kiss him.  He greeted her with warm lips and she felt good for the first time that night.

She took out her lounge clothes and headed to the bathroom.  I have a pretty good life, she thought, why would I want to jeopardize that with some guy I don’t even know?  As she finished the thought her phone vibrated.  She knew it was Austin before she looked.  It was an email because in her desire to be cautious she had not given him her phone number.  She was relieved now that she was smart enough to think of that.  She opened the email and felt the emotions twisting inside before she even read it.

Anice, Dear, Sweet, Beautiful Anice.  I don’t care if you are married.  My heart knows that you are meant for me.  I don’t know your husband, I don’t know what kind of man he is or how I measure up, all I know is that I will not give up until you are mine.  My heart is opened up and that hurt but now I know why that happened, it’s opened up so that you can walk in when you are ready.  Right here waiting, Austin.